Service request form

  • Please, complete all fields.
  • Date Format: YYYY slash MM slash DD



  • Tick the appropriate platform and service choice (several possible choices)
    Reprogramming and organoid engineering Platform - Research grade: Modeling of somatic and hereditary malignancies (solid tumor and hematology) (ESTeam Villejuif)
    Automated cell factory Platform of ESC/IPSC and derivatives- Research grade- for therapeutic molecular screening: Modeling of rare genetic diseases (Évry)
    High throughput molecular screening Platform for ESC/IPSC differentiation induction (Strasbourg)
    Reprogramming and ESC derivation Platform of non-human primate for in vivo models (Lyon)
    Reprogramming and organoid engineering Platform - Research grade: Modeling of aging diseases (Montpellier)
    Organisation of practical technological training course (project hotel, sponsored workshop)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.