High-throughput screening

General description
High throughput screening allows to explore the effect of hundreds of thousands of molecules on cells differentiated from a pathological iPs cell lines, in order to correct phenotypes in a robust and reliable manner.
Key steps

Design, miniaturization, optimization of cell test and qualitative analysis
Amplification of the cell type of interest for screening

Design and implementation of high-throughput screening (HTS, HCS)

Data processing and statistical analysis of the results

IPS cells and their derivatives offer new possibilities:
• Obtaining an unlimited amount of biological material for high-throughput screening.
• Screening on primitive stem cells or any cells of interest, characteristic of a disease.
• Screening against genomic targets specific of the pathology, in correlation with the clinical history and the patient’s response.
INGESTEM has two next gen robotic cell screening platforms (Agilent Technology), capable of carrying hundreds of thousands of cell tests in 96 and 384 well plates.
These platforms are functional and fit for pluripotent stem cells and differentiated cells with all sorts of molecules to be screened (small organic molecules, nucleic acids including RNAi …).
They allow:
• To identify molecules capable of correcting cellular phenotype associated with a genetic disease.
• To individualize molecules that optimize early specification, commitment or terminal maturation of animal or human pluripotent stem cells, to a lineage of interest.